Subscribe to your Meal: Swiggy | PRD

Rishikesh Mahajan
5 min readNov 22, 2021


Problem Statement

A large % of Swiggy’s most active users are office goers who live alone and order lunch daily from Swiggy. In a recent customer survey of this audience set, Swiggy found that these users often forget to order lunch in time and find it cumbersome and irritating to go through the entire process of ordering food on a daily basis. Remembering to order lunch in time, choosing a restaurant, deciding dishes, deciding delivery location, payment process etc. There is alot to do on a daily basis.

You are a Senior PM at swiggy and your VP of product has asked you to work on this problem statement individually. You are required to propose a solution to him including wireframes and a PRD. You are also required to make sure that your solution perfectly integrates with the existing product and does not spoil the experience of using the existing swiggy product.


Swiggy is a food ordering and delivering platform.

Project Summary

We are required to build a subscription plan platform through which the users can be recommended and get scheduled meals. They can change, customize and cancel their meal plan.

Understanding the problem

From the given problem statement we understand that the current issue represents the large % of active users who are office goers. These users often forget to order food on time and find the process of ordering food quite cumbersome and irritating.

In order to resolve this issue, we want to build a subscription plan.
The goal of the subscription plan is to:

  1. Users get the food on time
  2. Users don’t need to go through the tiring process of ordering food on a daily basis
  3. Users get a variety of food.

The product will be successful if :

  1. A large number of users opt for subscription plans.
  2. Retention of subscriptions is high.
  3. Improve in ratings and feedback
  4. Increase in revenue and profits.

User Persona

Current Alternate

Users need to go through the entire process of deciding the time order to completing the payment process.

This process involves :

  • Decide time to place an order.
  • Choose a restaurant
  • Select the dish
  • Confirm delivery location
  • Payment method
  • Confirm the order

Solutions Consideration

The goal is that the user doesn’t need to go through the process of ordering food and also the food gets delivered on time.

To achieve this we suggest introducing a subscription plan to the users. The subscription plan will schedule their orders and the app will place orders from them.

We propose the following two solutions:

Preparing meals based on user preference

Meals would be prepared according to the algorithm that would consider previous orders, search history, and geographic location.

If we opt for the meals based on user preferences, we can achieve high accuracy as the ordered food will be the user’s choice. Users will get the type of food they want to have and will also have the choice to change their preferences.

Create Box Meals

Restaurants create box meals based on their menu and data of orders they received in past.

With limited data about the user, we cannot achieve high accuracy if we opt for the box meals solution. Users may not like the orders they receive and even if they want to choose from the options of box meals they have limited choices.

In both the solutions, ordering the food will be scheduled and users will receive their orders on time.

Detailed Solution

A separate tab will be created to avail services of the subscription plan. Users can choose the duration of the subscription plans like weekly or monthly.

Meal Scheduling

  1. The users can set a fixed time when they want their food to be delivered.
  2. The users can integrate their calendars with the portal which will allow the service to plan the delivery according to the schedule of the user. Before placing an order with the restaurant, users will receive a notification requiring them to confirm the delivery time.

Ordering Meal

  1. Users need to set the monthly budget they are willing to spend on the subscription plan.
  2. Users require to select preferred cuisine and restaurants.
  3. Based on the user’s choices, the platform will run an algorithm created by us, to place an order.
  4. Users will require to confirm the meal and time, two hours before the delivery time.
  5. If the user doesn’t like the meal or wants to make any changes to the order with regards to the meal and time, they will have an option to change it before confirming the order.
  6. If users want to change the meal, they don’t need to go through the process of choosing restaurants and dishes of their choice instead they answer a few questions.
  7. These questions help the algorithm to understand the user better and analyze the data to suggest an appropriate dish.
  8. These are a combination of questions like
    — Which type of cuisine does the user feel like having?
    — What type of dish does the user want? — Like Desert, Main course, Appetizer.
    — Any specific types of cuisines? Like Indian > Punjab or Rajasthani.
    — What time does the user wants the food to be delivered?
  9. When the algorithm analyses the answer, it will suggest dish choices to the user.
  10. Users can then can swipe left to not select a dish and swipe right to add to the cart.

Payment Process

  1. The subscription plan is a prepaid model where the user has to pay the amount of their estimated budget.
  2. Users can choose among different payment modes like UPI, net banking, etc. to add money to Swiggy pay.
  3. Vouchers or offers will be availed to the subscribers to provide them with a better user experience and an effort to reduce the estimated subscription plan budget.

User Flow

User Journey for Subscription Plan

Impact assessments and metrics

We need to define the success metrics:

  1. Number of subscriptions
  2. Revenue generate
  3. Rate of Retention i.e number of subscriptions renewed
  4. App ratings and feedback.

Release Strategy

  • Build the platform and check for any bugs
  • Release the platform within the team or small group of users to get their feedback. This would avoid a bad user experience for a large user population, in case of any ambiguities.
  • Release the platform to a large user base and monitor the working.

Future Scope

  • As the user base increase and we have enough data to analyze, we can release pre-defined cost plans.
  • We can partner with restaurants to provide box meals as we will have enough data to analyze and suggest accurate dishes to the users.

Disclaimer: This case study is written with the purpose to practice. The ideas, opinions in this article don't resemble the brand and are my own assumptions.

